Monday, October 13, 2008

8x8 Led matrix display

this is quick project is done for one of my friend:) . the objective is to display some pattern on the led
matrix where user can customize the displaying pattern through the host pc.for this purpose i have used pic16f877A ,ULN2003 and max233 rs232 transceiver is the video of the led matrix.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

microchip pic platform v 1.0.0 pcb

routing of the pic platform is finished. As i planned to do a single layer pcb(bottom) i have to use some jumper wires .also i have to replace the some connector pin configuration to ease the routing.

the schematics and Board layout was designed using Eagle PCB freeware.

ISP 12

nice console to program Atmel avrs in Serial programming mode.

AVR Tutorial for beginners

i found following tutorial is very useful and simple AVR tutorial for beginners.
tutorial includes to build up In Circuit Programmer and examples of using ADC,RS232.....

Saturday, October 4, 2008

microchip pic platform v 1.0.0

having the idea of to build a easy platform for testing new electronic component i have designed the first platform board.this project will consist following major parts,

  • platform board
  • firmware for pic16f877A(or pic18f452)
  • vs2005.C# written software
for example if need to test digital pot i have to write a simple script on the host pc
then it will download that small script to the pic and pic will execute the script

for example script would be like (not decided the script stranded yet)


so this would be a platform to taste new electronic items

following is the v 1.0.0 of the platform schematic. enjoy!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

USB HID experiments with 18f2455

Hi,i found a Simple Hid usb stack from . the code is compilles using microchip C18 compiler and the code works fine.

just started....

A comfortable way to present your idea with minimal clicks ..