Sunday, July 19, 2009

PIC USB RGB LED Notifier Part 0

following RGB LED notifier make me to do little experiment with pic18f2455.

based on this tutorial ( i make
my first steps to making usb device out pic18f2455.following is the schematic i setup on the breadboard.

olin college tutorial comes with source coded for both pc/pic. you can find them here.i come up
with mplab project plus visual c++ program to control the led.
  • mplab project download
  • visual c++ mfc app download
  • libusb project (which provides the driver / platform to access the usb device)
(seems Google blog not support store image files .i'll come up with a solution.if you need the code
drop me a mail to dilan2005atgmaildotcom)

hope to continue the story after i received my RGB LEDs.

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